Terms of use and legal notice

Conditions of access and use

This Legal Notice regulates the use of the Website https://www.claglobal.mx. The use of the Website and its contents attributes the status of User (hereinafter, the “User”) and implies acceptance of each and every one of the conditions included in this Legal Notice, in the version published at the time in which is accessed. The User is obliged to make diligent use of the Website, in accordance with the Law and this Legal Notice.

The User must read it carefully each time they intend to use the Website, since the conditions of use may be modified.

CLA MX PS, S.C, (CLA Mexico) does not guarantee that this Website, or any content on it, will always be available or be uninterrupted. CLA Mexico may suspend or withdraw or restrict the availability of all or any part of this Website for business or operational reasons.

Industrial and Intellectual Property

All the information contained on this Website as well as the graphic design, images, videos, source codes, articles, documents, and any other content (the “content), are subject to the intellectual and industrial property rights of CLA Mexico or third parties.

Under no circumstances does access to the website imply the waiver, transmission, transfer or total or partial license of said intellectual or industrial property rights, nor does it confer any right of use of translation, amendment, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, public distribution or communication for commercial purposes of said content without the prior and expressed authorization of CLA Mexico or the third party who owns the affected rights.Trade names and marks and logos (collectively, the “Marks”) displayed on this Site, are owned by CLA Global and/or licensed by CLA Mexico. Any unauthorized use of any such Marks may be a violation of the rights of CLA Global or any of its affiliates. The Website and its content in no way grant any license or right to use any of the Marks.


CLA Mexico will not be responsible in the event of service interruptions, delays, errors or malfunctions of said service that arise from causes beyond its control or due to malicious or negligent action by the User, or due to force majeure. In any case, whatever its cause, CLA Mexico will not assume any responsibility for direct or indirect damages, consequential damages and/or loss of profits.

The Website and its Content is intended to provide general guidance and does not constitute professional advice or services nor is it a substitute for compliance obligations. Access to the Website and reading of its content do not create any client relationship neither advisory, fiduciary or professional relationship between the User and CLA Mexico. CLA Mexico is not, in connection with the Website and its content, engaged to provide audit, accounting, tax, legal, advisory or any other professional service or advice. You should contact CLA Mexico or any network firm of CLA Global for advice or service concerning any specific matter before taking any action based upon this Website’s content. CLA Mexico assumes no obligation to inform the User of any changes in laws or other factors that could affect the information contained herein.

In no case should the existence of linked sites assumes the existence of agreements with those responsible or owners thereof, nor the recommendation, promotion or identification of CLA Mexico with their statements, content or services provided.